One month ago we led a small workshop (8 people) to Rajasthan in India and had an epic experience as a group of photographers.
This blog post is just a short look at some behind the scenes images showing our little gang shooting around Pushkar, Jaipur and Delhi over the week, and most of all a reflection of how much FUN we all had together in such an amazing place.
We will be heading back to India in just a few months time in February 2014, this time deeper into Rajasthan to Jodhpur, details of that workshop can be seen here:
That aside, here is a look behind the scenes at our last Rajasthan workshop, which was held in November 2013.
Justine having a great time with the locals
Jon was thankful he had his rabies jabs after a dog attempted to lick him to
Patrick (left) and myself doing some 'selfies' in Delhi
Myriam shares her image with a lovely lady in the streets of Delhi
On route to Pushkar by train...the best way to travel in India
Katherine getting to grips with the awesome light inside the train
Our group waiting to board a train to Pushkar
Katherine and Justine taking an elephant up the hill to the Amber Fort
Chai Masala Tea Break....this picture was taken at tea break number 135 of 567 during the week...;-)
Monica showing her subjects how great they look on camera
Gary teaches a local guy how to shoot the Ricoh GR
Gary getting some composition tips off the local dog (all dogs we met were super friendly!)
Tasha taking a poignant moment during the train journey to Pushkar
Tasha and Jon doing some strange 'pigeon-dash'!
Tasha can even charm elephants into smiling
Ruth and Katherine with their lovely smiles out enjoying the shooting
Justine out doing some 'training' (excuse the pun).
Gary failing to impress the locals with his cricket skills...
Asking a local to shoot our group photo, he did very well for his first time on a rangefinder
Jon posing in an alleyway of Old Delhi
Tasha and Sakshi checking eachothers work
A couple of our local guides in Delhi
Gary checking the Rajasthan scenery on route to Pushkar
Myriam scouting for subjects on the train
Ruth and Patrick loving Pushkar
Jon and Patrick trying scarves as reflectors and diffusers...worked perfectly!
Ruth on the last day in Jaipur
Justine at the mosque in Delhi early morning
Becky at the riverside in Delhi on our last day in India
Jon shooting portraits on his trusty Rolleiflex
Patrick gets up close and personal with his subjects
Jon and Monica taking a taxi
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F8 Photography provides commercial photography and photography and video training workshops, more details can be found via the ‘courses and workshops’ link and upcoming events via the front page of our website.